Online help in the event of a delayed flight
If you are at the airport and your flight is experiencing a delay, see the variants below, you are entitled to or may ask for refreshments and food , if the airline has not offered this to you. You also are entitled to two telephone calls free of charge. In the event that your flight is deferred to the next day as a result of the delay, you are entitled to accommodations in a hotel free of charge and passage to the hotel and back. Claims are incurred for flights that are delayed:
- More than two hours and your flight covers a distance of 1500 km or
- More than three hours and your flight is within the EU and is longer than 1500 km or
- More than three hours and your flight is to anywhere from or outside within the EU and is a distance from 1500 km to 3500 km or
- More than four hours
Our tip:
If you meet the requirements above and the airline has not offered this to you, or if the situation at the airport does not provide you with access to the airline, you can take care of everything at your own cost. The airline will then be liable for compensating these costs. Regardless of the reason the delay took place.
Moreover, in the case of a delay longer than 5 hours, you have the option to decide that you will not continue with the given flight. In this case you are entitled to compensation for the acquisition price of the airplane ticket. In the event that this was a connecting flight, the airline has the obligation to transport you free of charge back to the point of origin of your trip.
What to do at the airport
If you are not currently in the airport hall and you are waiting on the departure of your delayed flight, take a few minutes for the following actions. They will dramatically increase your chances for obtaining compensation for the delays and distress you are currently experiencing. In most cases, you can determine the majority of the information about the reasons for the delay on site:
- Find an airline representative/counter or airport info desk and have a confirmation written of the delayed flight – ideally accompanied by the reasons for the delay
- Take a picture incorporating a view from the airport hall to the airport surface outside for up-to-date information about the weather
- If the pilot of the aircraft announces the reasons for the delay, record this into your mobile phone, or get confirmation from a flight attendant on board.
- Once you reach your final destination, take a photo of the arrivals table where your flight number and final time of delay should be visible